Tree Planting - The planet’s lungs just got 600 trees bigger!

February 2023 – Premier’s first tree planting day of 2023 was a successful event which took place at Yonder Oak Wood in Devon.

Devon was the birthplace of the Woodland Trust and over 50 years on, they have been able to purchase a large plot of land in the area to create Yonder Oak Wood, a vast wooded landscape in east Devon. The Trust have grand plans to transform this impressive 54-hectare (134-acre) land into a blossoming harbor for wildlife.

Located in the hills of a rural and scenic valley, the Yonder Oak Wood is being transformed with native broadleaf woodland, such as wild cherry and oak, amongst the preserved veteran oaks.

The surrounding area is home to a rich array of wildlife which, once the habitat has been completed, should see species colonise into their new home at the Wood. Remarkable species of wildlife including nightjars, several threatened species of bat, the hazel dormouse, the dingy skipper butterfly and a vast array of uncommon invertebrates are just some of the incredible animals that can be found in these wooded areas. There are even plans to try and attract beavers to the woods from a nearby water source once it has been restored and revived with native alder and willow trees.

Yonder Oak Wood will not only be a place for nature, but for people as well. With its close proximity to Exeter and the Exe Estuary, Site of Special Scientific Interest, Yonder Oak Wood will become a pinnacle woodland integrated with 1.5km networks of paths for visitors and the community to enjoy.

As part of the Carbon Capture® programme, tree planters have been able to be a part of the legacy in transforming the site into a landmark for nature and the public to enjoy for years to come. This project has been hugely dependent on the generosity and hard work of volunteers, over £2.23 million has been raised to secure the acquisition and management of the site, with donations still needed to pledge to create Devon’s new wildlife home. The Woodland Trust have an aim of planting 13,000 trees over February and Carbon Capture® customers have been able to make a contribution of 600 saplings.

If this isn’t impressive enough, Yonder Oak Wood is a committed plastic-free estate. The Woodland Trust have devoted research into alternatives for single use plastic tree guards. The Trust have started a war on waste by demolishing the use of these from UK-wide planting schemes.

On 21st February a determined team of 28 Carbon Capture® customers and their clients started the day with a breath-taking journey through exposed fields to the planting area. Along the way the Woodland Trust educated the team on the notable journey that they have been on to secure the site and the exciting plans they have ahead. Following a brief demonstration on how to most effectively plant the trees the team set off to start making their mark.

Lunch was provided by a local deli, Deli on the Strand, who have a strong emphasis on buying from local and regional producers with the aim of being as sustainable and environmentally sensitive as possible. The perfect Carbon Capture® match. Once refueled the volunteers were eager to return to the tree planting.

“Running days like these are a demonstration of the commitment our people have for the planet. Being able to invest in nature with the knowledge we are investing in future generations is a credit to our planters who are helping create a greener world. Watching newcomers and familiar faces bonding and planting trees together is always a highlight!” Hussein Ismail, Sustainable Business Director.

Through the Carbon Capture® programme, Premier and their customers have already planted over 400,000 trees across the UK, captured 92,000 tonnes of CO2 and donated over £1.5million to the Woodland Trust since its launch in 2012.

The Carbon Capture® programme mitigates the CO2 emissions from the production and distribution of paper and materials, purchased from Premier. It gives customers and their clients the opportunity to join many major brands and fully engage with, and directly support the work of the Woodland Trust – 100% of the money raised through Carbon Capture® goes directly to the Woodland Trust to plant native woodland in the UK.

Hussein continues, “Premier’s commitment to helping customers on their journey to net zero is more prevalent than ever. We invite those who are interested in joining the Carbon Capture® programme to visit our website or email us directly at to find out more.”

Premier Paper Group is a leading paper and materials supplier and is part of OVOL Japan Pulp & Paper Group, a global company that operates in 21 countries.

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For more information on the Carbon Capture programme, view our information pack here.